Dear Parishioners,
A learning resource for groups or individuals, check out Catholic content delivered in high quality formats.
When do you have time to learn more about your faith?
On your commute? Formed has audio you can stream on your drive.
Reading before bed? Formed has E-books with many formats available.
Relaxing after dinner in front of the TV? Formed has full length movies, suitable for the family.
Group of friends who want to understand a topic together? Try one of the programs offered and get into discussion.
The resources are top quality productions, from some of today’s best speakers and writers. The material is solid in its teaching of the Catholic faith. This takes away the concern if the doctrine is Catholic. With so much on the web, it can be hard to discern what sources are reliable.
When you sign in, Formed will ask for your
Parish Code:FVKJ7D This is not a public site and
your access is purchased by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton You and your family members are welcome to create your own page within Formed,
using this access code.
Spanish language materials are available on the site.
Instructions for using FORMED.ORG
Before you click on the link, copy and write down the Parish Code: FVKJ7D. Click on , fill in FVKJ7D and follow the directions for your first time registration and password. PROFILE: Fill in your first name, last name, street address, city, state, zip, country, e-mail, password, and re-enter password. When you type your name, etc. it might not show clearly, but go ahead anyway. After you fill in your PROFILE, click that you understand terms, etc…..then submit it. YOU ARE IN! In the
future you will only need your e-mail address and your password for LOGIN. Now you have access to everything that FORMED has to offer: Catholic Programs, Movies, Audio, and books – FREE OF CHARGE TO YOU.
On behalf of Faith Formation/Religious Education, please enjoy this resource for an enrichment of your Catholic Faith.
~Fr. Jeff and Sandi